I recently found out that I will be kicking off my job in a lovely place they call Tucson, Arizona. Being from sweet, little, innocent, Alabama, I never got to venture very far from the nest, especially out west. Upon finding out I was going to Tucson, I got overly excited and told my dad as soon as I had the chance. It went something like this:
Me:"Dad I'm going to a place in Arizona for the National Convention in June."
Dad: "Where in Arizona?"
Me: "A Day Spa and Resort in Tuk-son!"
Dad: "Tuk-son??"
Me: "Yeah have you been?"
Dad: "No... spell Tuk-son for me..."
Me: "t-u-c-s-o-n."
Dad: "HAHAHAHAHA... you mean Tooo-sonnn, Arizona!"
Yes, this is my life. There are many things about me that are kind of silly, but spelling, singing song lyrics, and reading US Cities are beyond silly and down right ridiculous. For all of you who have been told this story, and laughed at me, I'm glad I could brighten your day and make you smile. Let's hope that the misfortune I had with Tucson, won't continue as I travel around the country because I have to fool people into thinking I actually know what I'm talking about.