One trip down, fifteen to go! The Beta Delta Chapter at the University of South Carolina was a wonderful first visit. The women of this chapter were so welcoming and I could not have asked for a better start on an amazing journey.
First of all the chapter's house was enormous, sleeping over 30 women. I was lucky to stay in the "Peach Wing" and had a very nice roommate from Roswell, GA. They filled my room with a lot of snacks which, of coarse made me extremely excited upon arriving. I was happy to claim my spot on the top bunk and loved calling it "home" for the five days I was there.
I was also very excited to meet a girl who likes to run and exercise as much as I did. Abby was nice enough to take me running with her every morning and then on a daily trip to Starbucks. She also took me to visit the USC Student Center with an extremely nice, multimillion dollar workout facility. Let's just say they don't have anything like that at Auburn... yet!
After working on everything from conversation to skit dances during Pre-Recruitment, it was time for me to head off to my next visit. I enjoyed the USC Chapter so much an intend on keeping in touch with them as much as possible!