Been on the road since...

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Beginning

Tucson was amazing! I had the absolute best time. Yes it was busy, yes it was hectic, but I love, love, love my job.

First things first, my hair in Arizona is straight. No humidity, so no curls it was so cool. Wish I could say that about Alabama.

Second, the girls I'm working with are so great. It's already like we are old friends. I can't wait to spend more time with them in a few weeks during training.

Finally, I got my schedule for the next 4 months. I am going to be traveling to 9 different states and 16 different universities. From Rhode Island to New Mexico, I will be all over the country and couldn't be more excited. Looks like my suitcase will be packed with clothes for every climate!

1 comment:

  1. so, i just found your blog! i'm so excited you're going to be keeping everyone in the loop... so when do you come to colorado? :) ?
